4th Annual OWOH!

It is that time of year again!

I thank Lisa of A Whimsical Bohemian for hosting this for the fourth time. I know she puts so much time into making sure everyone is included in the list.

But, lets cut to the chase shall we?

This year I would like to offer my PDF pattern of Oliver Bunny to five(5) lucky people

All you have to do to qualify is to leave a comment on this post. If you want extra entries you can blog, twitter,  facebook, or otherwise tell people about it, and then comment again telling me that you did(along with the link to the tweet or blog)

I’m sure Oliver would love for lots of little brothers and sisters all around the world!

I’ll chose 5 winners on February 14th using a random number generator, and email and announce the winners February 15th.


The Bella Modiste

Comments for this post have now been closed! I will announce the winners later today(Feb. 15th)


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Sneak peek of DQS8

I joined DQS8(Doll Quilt Swap 8 ) over on Flickr this month, and have had so much fun looking at all the quilts that have been started! I’ve finally reached a point that I feel like I can give a sneak peek of mine. Still so much to do on it.

But here it is! I plan to embroider the fine details, outline the mushroom, and will probably use a few different shades of brown to stitch the gills.   Of course I am going to add some detail to the door, it is to flat right now.

I’m fairly certain that those fabrics are what I will use around the center, but in what pattern I don’t know. Simple blocks maybe, or strips, but nothing to take away from the mushroom.

I really hope that my partner will like this, *fingers crossed they will comment* because you know, if they do not like it….I’ll just keep this one for myself….hehe

Because I know the question will be asked…it is just crayons on linen. I drew my mushroom and used a light table to transfer it to the (very thick) linen.

This is a first time technique for me, so I’m really hoping it works out, it is supposed to do just fine, if you heat set it(which I did).

I finally got some pictures of the vintage goodies I got over Christmas break… I fell in love with this little rabbit with the head of lettuce(or cabbage I suppose).  I really could not  pass him up! I was rather upset when I discovered that all of my pictures of him were blurry, that is what I get for trying to photograph stuff on a rainy day *sigh*.

Also….Purple cows. Yes, I have had my eye on a set of purple spotted cows on Etsy for a few months,and then, ka-bow! There was the creamer, along with the salt and pepper shakers  in the little shop that I found the dear little rabbit! *That* was quite exciting!

Anyways, I’m trying to get with the blogging world again. My year long blog break was rather nice, but I really lost track of a great many of my favorite blogs.

Oh! Before I forget….Welcome to my new blog! I’ve brough over all of my old posts, and hope to add a great many more in the following months!


The Bella Modiste


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I’m proud to announce my first e-pattern! Just listed last night, and completed after a great many hours of work, editing and layout! I am so excited to introduce you all to Oliver Bunny!

Oliver measures 25inches from the tip of his ears to the bottoms of his feet. I made him from wool felt, but the pattern works for any kind of fabric from quilting cotton to fleece. I’ve included step by step instructions with a photo for every step.
The PDF can be found in my Etsy store here
I hope to have more patterns finished in the next few months, for the stuffies from this post last year.


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And the winners are……

The winner of quilt #1 is….#101 Industrioushead from Evanston, IL

And the winner of the unseen 2nd mini quilt #2 is…..Jewelry Elegance by Jill in Marietta, Georgia

The winners have each been emailed….
Thank you so much everyone for your comments and compliments…I’ve appreciated each and every one of them! Thank you Lisa for hosting this event…
Thank you so much to the people who have drawn my name….was fun to wake up to “you’ve won” emails!


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Such a huge response to the giveaway! Guess I need to get to work on that second mini quilt!

At this rate I may need to make a third! Thank you everyone!

I’ll get to work on that soon, and try to get a picture posted a soon as I can!
Once I’m not so busy I’ll be back around visiting everyone again!
Also….I’ll be adding to my blog list soon….so if you would like to be added to my Blog list…just drop a comment on this post…
to enter the giveaway…comment on this post only….I will NOT be including comments to any other blog post in the giveaway drawing.

~The Bella Modiste


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One World One Heart Blog Giveaway Event!


I finally have a chance this year to participate in the wonderful giveaway event hosted by by Lisa “oceandreamer” Swifka
To learn more about this worldwide blogging event, click on the above logo, or the the one to the left.

To Enter, you must leave a comment on THIS post ONLY…This is open to fellow bloggers only please, unless you are willing to leave your email address in your comment! The winner will be chosen on February 12th.

And the item I am giving away…..Machine Appliqued Owl Mini Quilt!

If I get above a certain number of comments(100-150), I may make a second mini quilt(in different colors), or hey, maybe even 3rd if it gets all the way to hmmm….600? Might be a far shot, but we’ll see right?
Let the commenting begin!
~The Bella Modiste

Comments to this post have now been disabled- Thanks so very much everyone! I’ll be posting the winners in the next little while!


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I forgot….

to show off my gingerbread man…a friend sent me this tutorial…and as soon as I saw, I just *had* to make one for myself……so here he is in all his half-eaten glory….


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I’m a Procrastinator

See!? I even procrastinated *after* I typed my title, I wanted to check something else, and then I re-discovered a blog, and…well…here I am almost half an hour later…

Well…I’ve taken a TON of pictures since the 1st…and made/finished 24 projects…

This fella started it all…

Albert is a miniature elephant at just 5 inches tall, and because of his size he loves to climb rocks to get a better view. He is a little shy, but once he gets to know you, he is a friend for life! Made of a men’s dress shirt, he is all about recycling! His big ears keep him cool in the summer, and are perfect for pulling over his face when he is in a crowd…

And then came this girl!

Elizabeth is quite the adventurous little elephant. She loves to play hide and seek, and is she ever the perfect size! 5 inches tall and full of energy!Made of a wonderful Japanese print fabric with circus elephants, balls, and circus tents all over it, and the inevitable “elephant” printed in cursive all over…so perfectly cute!

After that it just went kinda crazy…I’ve made 24 all together since I started on the 2nd….and that includes my new giraffe and zebra patterns…and I have requests to make other ones, hippos, lions, and stegousaurous…so once the wonderful holiday season is *over*…I gotta get back to work!

All my Christmas presents are done, made a quilt and a red dress up cape for brother, a pink dress up cape for sis along with a pink tutu skirt(really need to find a tutorial somewhere that I like)….the whole layering and gathering wasn’t fun, and didn’t produce a very nice tutu look, of course I didn’t give myself much to work with, only 4yds….
And tonight, I made the cutest owl, found a tutorial here and sketched(and measured) out my pattern…don’t have a good picture of it, but I’ll try to get a decent picture of it soon.

Had a wonderful visit with Mom’s mother, short but nice….found a few vintage goodies, a set of 6 Pyrex mugs with collapsible stand in a 70s shag carpet orange/slightly brown, and a set of salt and pepper shakers that are egg shaped, in a really bright orange! I think someone must have donated them after storing it all for the last 30 years…haha…Hopefully though, I can make them work in my future kitchen….and a none vintage red belt, finally found a nice one that wasn’t $50! I’ve been looking for the perfect width, perfect length, perfect buckle belt since around Feb….and finally finally found one!

And maybe once I get the cups and shakers washed….you all can see a picture of them!

~The Bella Modiste


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Lots of fun goodies!

First up we have Edmund the donkey.

He is available for purchase in my Etsy shop.

To quote myself…heh
“Meet Edmund.
Edmund has just graduated from University with his B.S. degree(that would be Bachelor of Sciences for some). He enjoys reading dictionaries and encyclopedias, Edmund would be the perfect gift for that new graduate that thinks they know it all!”
And here we have a lovely bright half apron, also for sale in my shop…This one has a carefully measured zigzag hem…that was fun to do, and I could see doing a skirt with a fun zig zagged hem….very cute.

And here…Raggedy Ann and Andy…a custom order for a friend, who left the clothing up to me, I found the Simplicity Pattern(which BTW is a very nice pattern, has three different sizes of dolls, along with their removable clothes-these ones were approximately 26in tall) Anyways, these are not for sale, but I am willing to do a custom order if anyone is interested.
Last but not least….Finally a Mushroom purse, I have the totes, but never made a purse…I plan to make a larger one in the future, more of a messenger bag, but this one is adorable, as I was making it, I seriously considered keeping it for myself…you can find it here in my shop.
Until next time!
The Bella Modiste


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Long time…

Sure has been a while….I really should leave a window open with my blog up, so I just *might* remember to blog…

In the time I’ve been *away* We’ve planned and cancelled a trip to the mountains, turned out to be a good thing we canceled. The nights we had planned to be up on the mountain, the temperatures were freezing….at the bottom of the mountain…so, yeah, we poor Floridians would have been huddled in the cabin, fighting over the TV remote, freezing our rears off….Not a pretty picture….

But! We had some exciting visitors last month…for oh goodness, close to a week or two…

Still not sure exactly what kind of hummingbirds they were, but there were around 1/2 dozen, several males, and a couple juveniles….very cool….Also got to hear them loud and clear, had no idea that hummingbirds were so *verbal*!

And this, no idea what it was, certainly looks like a type of warbler, but what kind exactly, mom and I can’t tell for sure. it was very flighty, and super hard to photograph….
Anyways, I hope to have more pictures soon, Raggedy Ann and Andy, a quilt on the frame, and a clean(getting there) studio…..
~The Bella Modiste
Also, I hope to be adding to my blog roll soon, so keep an eye on it!


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