Category Archives: aprons

Just a quick post

OK…Just a really quick post tonight..i want to go try a project I’ve wanted to do for the past week..I’m far from tired(those energy drinks really do last all day), or its cause I stayed abed til….um….yeah…nevermind…

So lets I’ve sewn like 4 handbags for dads business, have two others to sew for moms Etsy store, plus, I have my own projects..sure mom could sew, but every time she touches my sewing machine..I swear the thread breaks, or something goes she is no longer allowed to touch my baby…..ha ha

So lets see…..My grandma should get her dolls in other grandma sent me an awesome box of goodies, everything from patterns, to books and trims, and ooh sweet goodness…..FABRIC!!!! and TRIMS!!! and and and…..oooh lala…I’ll try to post a picture tomorrow…also..i have 25 yards of muslin coming in,…..FUN!!….tea towels, aprons, dolls, test runs of stuff…hmm…I may need more then 25yds….and alot more time..can we say….6 am til 12am….hmm….naw…i gotta have my 8-9 hours….11am to 3am…yeah……thats better…;)

so let me think…I’ve started a scarf…beautiful yellow and blue…I’ll try to get that finished this week, and start another….then come maybe the end of Sept, I’ll have several(hopefully) to list in my Etsy store…

didn’t go to class this past Tuesday, mom wasn’t feeling tip top the day before, and so wanted to kinda chill the next day…..but we will go next week…sure, with two classes, it will be a busy day, and unless I get up early, I wont have much time for much besides those two….but oooh how fun….ha ha

pictures pictures…..hmm..ah..ok…

This sherbety beauty can be found in my Etsy store

well..that’s all for would y’all feel about a give away post next time? eh? yeah..thought you’d like that..thing is…it’ll be a surprise…..bwahahahaha


~The Bella Modiste


Filed under aprons, purses

Updated Etsy store…

So lets see..last night, I fixed up a medium/light weight corduroy skirt that had been in my to-do pile for a while, I shortened it a bit, took it in from a size 16 to about a size 10, and added a bit of lace at the bottom t dress it up some…I think it turned out pretty cute…

um…lets see…Also, today mom and I updated my Etsy store (

We listed several aprons, a few small purses, a girls toddler short/halter set, as well as a colonial styled floral dress….

I plan to this week, start on some fall themed items, then in a few weeks, get started on Christmas…I is still early, but for those shoppers who actually don’t wait until the last minute, and don’t have time to make those homemade gifts they wanted to try for this year…its perfect timing…ha ha

so, anyways, I’ll also be starting on a bunch of scarves for my shop for the coming winter/fall, hopefully I can use up alot of this yarn I got earlier then year…mom said “get it, you can start making stuff for winter”…that was in early spring… sat in my drawer for a while..but tonight I dug it all out, tossed it on my bed, and just a few minutes ago picked out two cute colors for the first scarf….great thing about it, I’m cheating, using a nifty knitter hoop, so I can sit and watch TV or something, while being productive!…That’s terrific for me, cause I always feel bad when I sit down for a few minutes of brain rot time….”What could I be doing instead that is actually productive?”…haha..eventually I’ll learn how to knit…I know the basic “knit” but…well, I kinda forgot how to even START!….haha…but, one of theses days, maybe while on a vacation, I’ll take a bit of yarn, knitting needles, and some how-to info, and finally really figure it out….

weellllll…..there isn’t to much new…i may have already said this..but I got two bias tape makers from Hobby Lobby the other day, cant wait to try them out, so will have to find some kind of cool retro lots of bias tape apron to make….haha….I figured, its cheaper then buying it, in the long run, if you buy it pre-made, it is 3 dollars for 3 yards, while, you can buy a yard of fabric, and get way more then three yards out of it….so….you know..sometimes it will be better to buy it, but I think I’ll have more fun making the “custom” bias, to actually match the other fabrics better….and WAY funner then just a solid color….polka dots, stripes, oooh FUN!

anyhow….that’s my blog for tonight….


~The Bella Modiste~

P.S…..I WILL get around to adding more blogs to my list of blogs..really..I will…so…I have a suggestion…you read my blog…and have a blog…leave a comment, and I’ll add you to the list…deal?

oooh and a second note…..I MIGHT just might, be having a give away for my 20th post….so stay tuned….;)

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Filed under aprons, etsy

Apronaholic? I as at my sewing machine for a while…making these lovely creations..:P

This red doesn’t have white polka dots, instead they are little white hearts…very cute, and very Valentines day…i just LOVE how it turned out!

This one has two pockets…edged with two pieces of lace on each pocket…very cute, this was actually originally a curtain! and I have enough fabric left for at least one more…maybe the next one will be a keeper…:P

This one has one pocket, edged with white lace along with one corner having a tiny 1/4 circle bit of lace for decor….this was originally a pillow case, the leftover scrap pile was nothing, a few tiny shreds of fabric and one longish 1in wide piece!
so….anyways..that what I did today….
tomorrow I will be fixing a 1950s style dress if I get time, as I also have a end of the school year evaluation, plus have to get the laundry taken care of and help clean house…so I’ll be busy…
If I owe you an email, please bear with me….I’ve been super busy this past week….if you read yesterdays(i think) post, you should be able to see why…haha…end of school papers…ugh…but now I am FREE!!!…at least for a few months…ha ha
~The Bella Modiste~


Filed under aprons