
I’m excited to announce the winners of my pattern!

#12 Caroline

#49 Sharon Chapman

#56 PEA

#107 Lisa Lectura

#113 Lisa W.

I’ve contacted each of  my winners, and sent each their patterns.

I hope that they will have as much fun making him as I did designing him.


The Bella Modiste


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3 responses to “Winners!

  1. PEA

    Omigosh, I’m so thrilled to be one of your winners!! Thank you SO much:-) I had no problems downloading the pattern, Oliver the Bunny is just adorable!! Thank you again! xo

  2. Very cool and thank you so much!!

  3. Hi Naomi! Oh My Goodness! I can’t believe I won! Thank you so much! I can’t wait to download the pattern. Oliver is sooo cute!

    Lisa 🙂

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