A post about a giveaway and a skirt…

Soo…lets see…pictures pictures! Lots of pictures today!
First off…this funky dude…goes by “dad” around here…agreed to let me post a picture from his photo shoot the other day…. He designed the skateboard graphics last week, and was posing for his Etsy shop listing…trying to get the whole “cool teen” look going, but that happens to be his usual outfit…though the sneakers are often exchanged for flip-flops….Yes, that really is my father.
And I finally got this skirt done, I’ll make a listing in my shop soon, for the skirt, but a custom one, made to fit up to a certain size…(probably whatever will fit in my adjustable dress form…maybe…I dunno yet…:)…anyways, I had dad make me some vinyl stencils of gears, which don’t show to well in the pictures, but look really nice in RL….painted them with a gold paint(which now I think about it, I’m not sure it was *fabric* paint…so I’ll need to get and try out some *real* fabric paint…but the above skirt is mine..all mine…in the picture it is over my white, too long petticoat(you can’t see it hiked all the way to the bust under the vest…:D) so it hangs a bit *flatter* without the extra layer under it…I’ll be making an underskirt later specifically for this design.
And now! The moment you’ve all been waiting for!

It is time for the giveaway! (This is open to US residents only) To enter…just comment…:P….
You’ll get a set of 4 machine quilted coasters made of music note and checkerboard print fabric with a cotton batting sandwiched in between and bound with checkerboard binding…and maybe I’ll add another small something to the package……
I’ll draw a name out of a hat…on…Tuesday Sept. 16th and announce the winner that next day.
So you’ve got a week to enter!


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12 responses to “A post about a giveaway and a skirt…

  1. LaAlicia

    I absolutely LOVE that skirt!

  2. fetishghost

    as I said over on the forums…that skirt is freaking fantastic!!!

  3. Felicia

    Groovy skirt 🙂

  4. Hey Harriet

    Your giveaway looks cool but unfortunately for me I don’t live in the USA. Love the skirt! Super gorgeous!

  5. Rosebud Collection

    What a lovely job you did..just beautiful..

  6. Lucky Girl

    That skirt is gorgeous!

  7. Bella Modiste

    Thanks everyone!Hey Harriet, sorry…really I am, and maybe next time I can do an international giveaway…sound good?cheers,~The Bella Modiste

  8. girlwithasword

    I just found your blog and am LOVING it all! oh, that pink apron is just tooooooo cute! 🙂

  9. Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe

    I just stopped by in the nick of time. I loves me some give-aways!You are so talented!

  10. Kay

    Your skirt is fantastic!! What talent you are blessed with.

  11. nitegardener

    Nay! The Skirt Is Amazing!!! I LOVE It!!! SUCH a sweet Pretty thing! Brings to mind a little Celtic look.. Maybe the Gears doing that for me.. I REALLy do love it Little Girl! We need to see it ON you now too though! & Your Dad! What a little Cutie! I was so excited.. Thinking you had a New Beau! Dern.. See.. here I go again.. trying to marry you off!Love ya Kiddo!

  12. Bella Modiste

    Kathie Kathie Kathie….not such an old Beau…haha…cheers,~Naomi

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